We give in response to God who first gave to us. We give because we believe in investing in God’s vision and purpose for our church in the Saginaw community.
By clicking on the button below, you'll be taken to the website for Vanco Services, the recommended online giving provider of the United Methodist Church. Through Vanco, you may choose to give by Credit Card or by an Electronic Funds Transfer. Our online giving option allows you to make recurring or one-time gifts to SUMC. This is a safe, secure, and confidential transaction which occurs directly between Vanco Services and SUMC's bank.DONATIONS TO HELP UKRAINIAN PEOPLE
To help those who are suffering in Ukraine, please consider giving to UMCOR International Disaster Response and Recovery, which is the United Methodist organization helping the Ukrainian people during this time. The link below will take you to their webpage with an option to give. - ONLINE PLEDGE CARD
Through the spiritual practice of offering our financial gifts to God we invest in God's vision and purpose for our church. We are pleased to offer you the option of making your 2024 commitment electronically.
As a response to God’s grace and as a concrete expression of my vow to uphold Saginaw United Methodist Church by my prayers, my presence, my gifts, my service and my witness:
This on-line pledge is private and confidential. Thank you for your commitment to Saginaw United Methodist Church. This estimate may be revised or canceled at any time upon request. Any questions, please contact Jennifer McIntyre, Finance Administrator. Saginaw UMC Endowment Fund