As part of Youth Ministries, students in grades 7 through 12 join in learning to form and live out their faith in community together and through serving the community in which we live. Our calendar is full of opportunities to learn, serve and to just plain have FUN!
Sunday Morning Bible Study
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. in the Youth Suite
Young Adults Bible Study
9:45 - 10:45 a.m. in the Youth Suite
Sunday Night Youth
5 - 7 p.m. in the Youth Suite
During Sunday Night Youth, we gather together to fellowship with one another through shared meals, devotional and prayer time and a few friendly competitions, games and activities.
Each week features something new and fun! Whether it be Movie Night, birthday celebrations or a night of wacky games, we offer a relaxed atmosphere with open arms to all who are looking for a place to connect and explore their faith.
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Youth Suite
We are hoping to begin offering dinner for you all! Stay tuned for ways you can help too!
Tutoring opportunities will be offered – we are looking into ways to pull in some of our church members who might be a great resource for tutoring if the need arises. Also…you all are great resources for each other as well!
We also use this time to film the beloved "SUMC News".- CONNECT WITH US
Find us on Facebook.
(It is a closed group. Please request an invite)We communicate about Youth Events primarily through email. If you would like to be added to the general youth info email list or need information about a specific event, please contact Michelle Burkholder, Director of Youth Ministries.
There are many opportunities for adults to help with youth ministry at Saginaw UMC. You can help serve food in the Youth Café on Sunday evenings, teach a lesson, help organize games and fundraisers, or chaperone activities. If you are interested in being a part of youth ministry at SUMC, please email Michelle. CHECK OUT OUR UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS!
Sunday, December 22, 5:00-8:00pm
Get ready to celebrate the season in a BIG way! Food, games, contests, prizes and our favorite, annual White Elephant Gift Exchange!!
We have some hilarious games that are new this year and prizes for the winners!
Pizza, Queso & chips, BBQ meatballs, and some sweet treats will be provided! Feel free to bring your favorite cookie or snack to add to the feast.
The gift exchange limit is $15.
This would be the perfect time to invite a friend to come and experience how amazing our youth family is!- Applications are due Feb. 28. Click here to apply.