In order to build relationships and grow with others in your spiritual journey, we encourage adults to become a part of a small group at SUMC, be it a Sunday School Class, Bible Study or other Ministry Connection Group. Please browse our subpages to explore small group options at SUMC.
Adult Sunday school classes exist for the purpose of growing together in our faith. Most classes meet from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the rooms listed below.
The Sunday After
Room C-5 | Adults 40+
The Sunday After group joins in discussion about the scripture lesson and sermon from the previous Sunday. Good friends and good conversations are found in this group.
Room C-1 & C-3 | Adults ages 55+
This class revolves around an in-depth Bible study in a discussion-based format with an open-minded, no judgments atmosphere. The class is mission-minded and active in various forms of outreach and participates in occasional social gatherings.
Women of Grace
Room C-2 | Adults
Women of Grace is a new class led by and geared toward women. Bring a friend and find out more about this group.
Young Couples
Room C-6
Join us each Sunday at 9:45 to discuss scripture lessons that help us navigate this stage of life. - ADULT CONNECTION GROUPS
The Sisterhood
2nd Thursday of the month | 7:00pm | Fellowship Hall
This group is for women of all ages! At their monthly gatherings, they enjoy games, conversation and great food. Nursery care is provided. The Sisterhood also sponsors an annual women's retreat each spring.
United Methodist Men
2nd Saturday of the month | 8:00am | Fellowship Hall
This men's group joins together for breakfast and fellowship followed by various work projects. The United Methodist Men also sponsor a men's retreat each fall.
Wisdom Group
2nd Tuesday of the month | 6:00pm | Fellowship Hall
This potluck dinner happens once a month and is an opportunity for all ages. It's a great time to come and meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy dinner and conversation. Bring a dish to share and join us!
Saginaw United Methodist Church Quilters
Every Wednesday | 8:00-11:00am | Quilters' Annex Building
For over 30 years women of the church and a few from the community have gathered every Wednesday to quilt. At least two quilts are made for the church to auction at their Lord’s Acre sale and Fall Craft sale. The highest bid for one of their quilts was $6,000. The ladies also quilt for their own projects, special requests from those outside the group and for the Presbyterian Night Shelter. In 2010 over 100 quilts were made and donated for the Presbyterian Night shelter, shut-ins and Community Link Mission.
Walk to Emmaus
A 3-day weekend of reflection, prayer, and worship, the walk to Emmaus invites all into community as we experience God's grace and love together. Reunion groups will also be hosted at the church meeting on Sunday and Wednesday nights. - JOURNEY GROUPS
Journey Groups at SUMC are an opportunity to journey towards deeper relationship with a small group of friends. By meeting regularly and sharing about the ups and downs of our everyday lives, we can find support, encouragement and accountability with one another. Through discussion of where we see God at work in the world we help one another grow in our faith and in our love of God.
Anyone who wants to experience new friendships and grow in their relationships with Christ and one another. Singles, couples, families - all life stages welcome.
A group of 8-10 adults who meet regularly and follow the Journey Group discussion format:- What was a high moment of your week?
- What was a low moment of your week?
- Where have you experienced God?
- Share in conversation about a Scripture or prompt provided by the church.
Groups may meet wherever they determine is best for the group - at homes, a restaurant or neutral site, the church, etc.
Groups who need childcare can meet at the church on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings and childcare can be provided.
Groups determine the best time for them to meet - morning, afternoon, evening. Groups also determine their own schedule for meeting - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.
Participate in a Journey Group by:- Gathering your own group of 8-10 friends and neighbors for the purpose of intentional sharing using the Journey Group format.
Walk to Emmaus
Next walk to emmaus: The women's walk
Thursday, Feb 27 - Sunday, March 2
Glen Lake Camp, Glen Rose, TX
On the 3-day spiritual renewal weekend, you will learn, worship, laugh, sing, pray, reflect, share Holy Communion, participate in small groups, and enjoy plenty of snacks.
To attend a Walk to Emmaus, a participant must be sponsored by an individual who has already walked Emmaus. Your sponsor will travel the Emmaus Journey with you through prayer and love.
Visit Tarrant County Emmaus-Chrysalis Group at
For more information about attending the walk, sponsorship, or registration, email:
Martha Williams or Diane Woods at [email protected].- The Sisterhood
We are Methodist women that like to meet for fun, fellowship and spiritual growth. We are involved in community outreach through various missions and philanthropic endeavors. We support women within our church and community through women-led activities, annual retreat, and other ministries.
LNO (Ladies Night Out)
The Sisterhood meets monthly for fellowship on the second Thursday of the month. Watch the church's calendar under the "Events" tab to stay updated about our activities. If you’re unable to attend but have a suggestion please email Shirley Stephens, or text her at 817-683-5289.
Community Link Donations
The Sisterhood holds monthly collections at Community Link, usually the first Saturday of the month 10 to 11 a.m. Community Link is located at 300 S. Belmont St. Thank you for your generous spirit.
SUMC Adults has several upcoming events this season. Check them out on our calendar below!