- Serving Saginaw More Than 100 YearsOne block, 100 years. Since our founding in 1914, Saginaw United Methodist Church has called the intersection of Greene and Bluebonnet streets home. While we’ve moved buildings over the years, one thing has remained - our dedication to the community of Saginaw. For 100 years, SUMC has been a church focused on growing disciples and serving our city. We are a community of faith bound together in love and service to God and our neighbor. We understand that in order to live the ways of Jesus we must do so in community. Which is why we come together in corporate worship, small groups, Bible studies and service projects.
We know that every person has a story to tell and every person is seeking purpose and meaning in this world. Which is why we feel it is important to help one another in our unified quest.
We affirm that “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity”. This is why we value love, open hearts, compassion, and relationships with all people.
We are a faith community that values bringing the legacy of the “saints that have come before us” into our contemporary culture. Which is why we do our best to fuse our history and our future together into our present.
We are a community of sinners and saints, known by God, called by name, animated by the Holy Spirit and in constant pursuit of being disciples of Jesus Christ. - Meet our StaffRev. Ramon Smith
Senior PastorBioRamon Smith has served as the Senior Pastor of Saginaw United Methodist Church, in Saginaw Texas since, July 1, 2021. He is originally from Raymond, Mississippi, and is the son of Pastor Deborah Ann Bracey and Charles Bracey. Pastor Ramon earned two undergraduate degrees from Mississippi State University in December 2002. He received his Master of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University in May 2009. He was ordained an elder in the Central Texas Conference in June 2011. Rev. Smith’s previous appointments include Abundant Life, Lighthouse Fellowship, Morningside, and White’s Chapel UMC. He currently serves as vice-chair of the East District Committee on Ministry and previously served as the Vice-Chair of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Chair of the Order of Elders, and the Board of Ordained Ministry. In 2017, he was nominated by Bishops Mike Lowry, Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey, and Janice Huey to serve as the South Central jurisdictional representative for the Act Now to Stop Racism Rally and Silent Prayer March in Washington DC on the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In his spare time, he enjoys reading, coaching soccer, and grilling. He currently lives in Fort Worth with his wife, attorney Gabrielle, his daughter, Isabelle, five years old, and his son, Ramon F. Smith, Jr., eight years old.
What I love about Saginaw UMC:
THE PEOPLE are very welcoming and seeking to live like Jesus and be a blessing to the community.
What I love about my ministry area:
I get to lead people to become committed followers of Jesus Christ who Love God and Love people.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
We strive to provide relevant and impactful worship experiences and service opportunities that help you grow in your faith and equip you for life. This is a church where everyone belongs.
My dream for Saginaw UMC:
To be a shining light in Northwest Tarrant county,
addressing the needs of people in all stages of life.
Favorite Scripture:
We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 (CEB)
Charity Dragna
Office Manager/Interim Director of Children’s MinistryBioWhat I love about Saginaw UMC:
The people are welcoming and it feels like a family here.
What I love about my ministry area: In the office, I get to meet new people. Also, I see how we help people in our congregation and our community. In the Children’s Ministry, I love seeing all the children and helping them connect with God and one another.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
Saginaw UMC is truly a family, and we are working to do great things.
Favorite scripture:
“Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Donna Anderson
Director of Stephen MinistryBioWhat I love about Saginaw UMC:
Saginaw UMC has always made me feel safe, loved, and respected; never judged. While my faith is nurtured by learning and fellowship opportunities, many ministries are service opportunities for the congregation and community.
What I love about my ministry area: When we choose to sit with others in their pain, as Stephen Ministers do, we are living out of the awareness that Jesus always sits with us in ours.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
It’s a safe, caring, and loving place. Wherever you are in your faith journey, you will find ways to grow. And there are many service opportunities to fit everyone’s strengths and passions.
My dream for Saginaw UMC:
To continue to grow in our outreach, being the hands and feet of Christ to our church family, in the community, and in the world.
Favorite scripture:
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18Karen Sutton
Director of Holy FocusBioWhat I love about Saginaw UMC:
I love SUMC for the people and for the sense of peace and well-being that I always feel when I’m in the church. As a part of SUMC, I’ve made some wonderful, life-long friends and have gotten to know people who have forever changed my life.
What I love about my ministry area:
I love my ministry area because I have a calling to help people, whether it’s through the water project, Go Snacks, Community Link, or other services, I have been given an opportunity to reach out to those who might have a need that I can help fulfill.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
People should come worship with us because we are accepting of others and can offer a place to belong. Service at SUMC is multi-generational, so there is something for everyone!
My dream for Saginaw UMC: My dream for SUMC is that we continue to grow as a church family and that we help our community thrive wherever there is a need.
Favorite scripture:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Psalm 46:1
Michelle Burkholder
Director of Youth Ministry:BioWhat I love about Saginaw UMC:
I love the people!! From the first time I entered the doors of Saginaw UMC back in 2004, I have felt like I am part of a very special family. The warmth and love and acceptance that I felt back then, I still feel today. I love the incredible generosity, kindness, support, and encouragement that we give one another in all seasons of life.
What I love about Youth Ministry:
I love the energy and excitement that youth bring to the “table”. I love the way they challenge me to think outside of the box. I love watching them engage with one another and how welcoming they are to others, especially new members or visitors. I love their enthusiasm when it comes to something they are passionate about. I love their uniqueness and quirkiness. I feel “at home” when I am around them.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
There is a place and a space for everyone here at Saginaw! It’s a place where gifts and talents can be shared and appreciated; where friendships are formed and deepened; where the soul can be refreshed and fed by the Word of God. We are a loving community that continually seeks to spread that love to as many as we are able!
Favorite Scripture:
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Mary Guess
Accompanist (Organ and Piano)BioWhat I love about Saginaw UMC:
It’s a close-knit, caring community with some of the best musicians I know. Serving in our music ministry is something I look forward to each week!
What I love about my ministry area:
I love the theology in our worship as well as the beautiful music. Our worship feeds my heart, soul, and mind! I also love it when I get to collaborate with individuals and small groups. We have a lot of fun together!
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
We are intentional about learning about our faith and growing in godliness together. We have a wonderful Christian community that takes care of each other!
My dream for Saginaw UMC: That we would be devoted, disciplined followers of Christ who are continually growing in grace and in ministry and witness to our community.
Favorite scripture:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.“
Psalms 19:1-3Pam Phinney
Finance AdminstratorBio
What I love about Saginaw UMC: The faithful, friendly, caring people! From the first day I attended, I felt welcome.
What I love about my ministry area: I love helping the church understand where they stand financially so they can minister to the needs of the community and the world.
Why you should come worship and serve with us:
This faith community has been serving Saginaw for 100+ years. We worship together to grow in our discipleship that calls us to care not only for those in our faith community, but to reach out to all God’s people in answer to Jesus’ command to “love one another”.
My dream for Saginaw UMC:
To go on to perfection.
Favorite scripture:
He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. His purpose was to equip God’s people for the work of serving and building up the body of Christ until we all reach the unity of faith and knowledge of God’s Son. God’s goal is for us to become mature adults—to be fully grown, measured by the standard of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13 CEB
Shawn Bell
Director of MusicBio
What I love about Saginaw UMC: I love the people, the warmth, and how we sincerely care to reach out and help others.
What I love about my ministry area: I love the people, the dedication to making music at the highest possible level to glorify God, the fellowship, and the love they have of SUMC!
Why you should come worship and serve with us: SUMC is a warm blanket of Christian love and acceptance…a place to learn, grow, and worship in the heart of our community.
My dream for Saginaw UMC: My dream for SUMC is to grow into a spiritual centerpiece in the north Fort Worth area…a place where ALL are accepted, loved…and a church that grows in Christian service for our community.
Favorite scripture: Philippians 4: 13
I can endure all these things through the power of the one who gives me strength.
- Holy FocusIn 2016, the congregation of Saginaw UMC adopted goals for mission and ministry called the Holy Focus Goals for Following Jesus. There have been yearly reviews and adjustments made to the goals. It is our hope and dream that these ongoing goals will continue to be realized through the power of God’s Holy Spirit moving among us.
Go Snacks!
We are meeting the needs of food insecure children through a program to supply weekend snack packs filled with nutritious food. Why? Because we know that many families rely on school lunches to feed their children who might go hungry on the weekend. We believe we can help bridge the gap and show God’s love. Check for details of our Go Snacks! Ministry being updated for 2022.
Small Groups
We envision the creation of small groups that expand the opportunities for faith formation beyond the current Sunday school setting. Why? Because we believe that being in community is essential to growing as disciples of Christ.
Saginaw Water Project
We are partnering with the City of Saginaw to identify residents who are in danger of having their water turned off in order to provide water bill assistance to those homes. Why? Because we believe that water is a human right and not a luxury for those who can afford it. The Saginaw Water Project is funded by donations from the congregation.
The following goals were completed:
Resource Bridge
New Worship Opportunity
Local Mission Teams